The five-year-old girl from Delhi who was allegedly raped several times by her neighbor and kept as hostage at his flat for three days is battling for her life at the intensive care unit of a hospital in the city.
The barbarous attack on her - she was violated with pieces of a candle and a bottle - have outraged the city, triggering large protests against politicians and the police at the hospital where she was being treated.
The girl reportedly went missing from her house in the Gandhi Nagar area of East Delhi on April 15. She was rescued from the flat of a neighbor three days later by her family members who say they heard her screaming. The police have said she was raped repeatedly and was found unconscious.
The five-year-old who was kept captive and raped in a room below where her family lives will spend another two weeks in hospital, doctors have said.
One of the two men arrested from Bihar for her attack has allegedly provided the police with chilling details of how she was assaulted.
The police say that Manoj Kumar, who rented the room where the child was kept prisoner, has revealed that on April 15, he was drinking and watching porn on a mobile phone at the home of his friend Pradeep Kumar, 19, also from Bihar. The two men then travelled to where Manoj had recently rented a room in East Delhi.
They spotted the child playing there and bought a chocolate to lure her into Manoj's room, according to the police. They then took turns raping her. The police say that Manoj asked Pradeep to strangle the girl. Manoj reportedly waited outside while Pradeep went into the room to kill her. When he emerged, Pradeep said the child had died and the two men caught a train to Bihar.
The child lay bleeding and without food or water in the locked room till her mother heard her cries and summoned the police. Her husband claims that the police, who had been reluctant to help him, then offered him a bribe of Rs. 2,000 to buy his silence about his daughter's ordeal.
The assault and the police's reaction has driven new street protests in Delhi, a smaller version of the massive demonstrations in December that followed the fatal gang-rape of a medical student Damini on a moving bus.
Must Read:-
I am a small town girl, brought up in small town ways. From early years itself Our parents, society and school infuse deep within our minds that if you don't follow certain rules the chances of you getting raped or abused by opposite gender increases. So we were made to live life certain way. I studied in a convent where girls were supposed to wear skirts below their knees and stockings reaching their thighs ( there were special female teachers to keep a check on these vitals) . The shirts worn were supposed to be so baggy that they never gave away details of our body (from 6th standard itself). Talking to boys was frowned upon and laughing with them .. Oh dear lord !!!
At home, you were always supposed to have your brother as your company, even if you went to a shop that was like right in front of the house. 6 p.m was the last hour you could see the outside world. Don't talk much, don't laugh much, don't voice your opinion so much. What not. And then comes the society. Do I really need to say about the restrictions of the society that we live in. A society that does not allow a woman to wear colorful clothes because her husband is dead. A society where a girl who crossed the age line of 25 and is still unmarried is talk of the town. A society where if a girl 's rape is always because of the girl's fault.
I used to think may be all these together, school parents and society, worked for my benefit. May be because of wearing baggy clothes, not being outside late in nights or by not talking much to guys I had avoided rape.
But then I heard of a 5 year old getting raped. And all logic defied me. How could have a 5 year old been provocative????? What could have she done to avoid rape?? The only answer that comes to my mind is : not being born !!! Yes. That's the only way a 5 year old can avoid rape. Cause a society where men have turned so inhumane untamed and brutal the only way we can avoid rape is by NOT BEING BORN.
Everyone is talking about to teach girls to behave, learn to protect themselves, do this and that, instead can't we teach our men's and boys to learn to behave and respect women, after all we have only given them birth. Every mother who has given birth to a male child has this responsibility to make sure your son should behave or else should be ready to punish him instead of protecting him, am sure if men will be punished by their own mothers at least they will have some guilt and shame
The barbarous attack on her - she was violated with pieces of a candle and a bottle - have outraged the city, triggering large protests against politicians and the police at the hospital where she was being treated.
The girl reportedly went missing from her house in the Gandhi Nagar area of East Delhi on April 15. She was rescued from the flat of a neighbor three days later by her family members who say they heard her screaming. The police have said she was raped repeatedly and was found unconscious.
One of the two men arrested from Bihar for her attack has allegedly provided the police with chilling details of how she was assaulted.
The police say that Manoj Kumar, who rented the room where the child was kept prisoner, has revealed that on April 15, he was drinking and watching porn on a mobile phone at the home of his friend Pradeep Kumar, 19, also from Bihar. The two men then travelled to where Manoj had recently rented a room in East Delhi.
They spotted the child playing there and bought a chocolate to lure her into Manoj's room, according to the police. They then took turns raping her. The police say that Manoj asked Pradeep to strangle the girl. Manoj reportedly waited outside while Pradeep went into the room to kill her. When he emerged, Pradeep said the child had died and the two men caught a train to Bihar.
The child lay bleeding and without food or water in the locked room till her mother heard her cries and summoned the police. Her husband claims that the police, who had been reluctant to help him, then offered him a bribe of Rs. 2,000 to buy his silence about his daughter's ordeal.
The assault and the police's reaction has driven new street protests in Delhi, a smaller version of the massive demonstrations in December that followed the fatal gang-rape of a medical student Damini on a moving bus.
I am a small town girl, brought up in small town ways. From early years itself Our parents, society and school infuse deep within our minds that if you don't follow certain rules the chances of you getting raped or abused by opposite gender increases. So we were made to live life certain way. I studied in a convent where girls were supposed to wear skirts below their knees and stockings reaching their thighs ( there were special female teachers to keep a check on these vitals) . The shirts worn were supposed to be so baggy that they never gave away details of our body (from 6th standard itself). Talking to boys was frowned upon and laughing with them .. Oh dear lord !!!
At home, you were always supposed to have your brother as your company, even if you went to a shop that was like right in front of the house. 6 p.m was the last hour you could see the outside world. Don't talk much, don't laugh much, don't voice your opinion so much. What not. And then comes the society. Do I really need to say about the restrictions of the society that we live in. A society that does not allow a woman to wear colorful clothes because her husband is dead. A society where a girl who crossed the age line of 25 and is still unmarried is talk of the town. A society where if a girl 's rape is always because of the girl's fault.
I used to think may be all these together, school parents and society, worked for my benefit. May be because of wearing baggy clothes, not being outside late in nights or by not talking much to guys I had avoided rape.
But then I heard of a 5 year old getting raped. And all logic defied me. How could have a 5 year old been provocative????? What could have she done to avoid rape?? The only answer that comes to my mind is : not being born !!! Yes. That's the only way a 5 year old can avoid rape. Cause a society where men have turned so inhumane untamed and brutal the only way we can avoid rape is by NOT BEING BORN.
Everyone is talking about to teach girls to behave, learn to protect themselves, do this and that, instead can't we teach our men's and boys to learn to behave and respect women, after all we have only given them birth. Every mother who has given birth to a male child has this responsibility to make sure your son should behave or else should be ready to punish him instead of protecting him, am sure if men will be punished by their own mothers at least they will have some guilt and shame